7444 E.C

Sir Stamford Raffles Lodge

About Us
Our Lodge is one of the largest in the District of the Eastern Archipelago which administers West Malaysia, East Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore. It is also one of the most socially active Freemasons’ Lodges, probably because the average age of its members is amongst the lowest of lodges in the District.
During the year we host a glamorous 'Ladies Night' in April, an ever popular Christmas dinner, a 'hash' run and family barbecue, and many other fun-filled occasions often with a charity element combined.
Sir Stamford Raffles Lodge No. 7444 E.C., was consecrated in 1956. On masonic timescales this is still a baby lodge. Freemasonry, as we know it, began in the 17th century, with the first Grand Lodge of England founded in 1717. Just 45 years later the first Lodge in S.E Asia was consecrated in Indonesia. By 1845 Singapore had its first Lodge, Lodge Zetland inthe East, but its brethren had to wait until 1879 before there was a permanent home in Coleman Street. Freemasons’ Hall is still the current home of many Singapore lodges including Sir Stamford Raffles Lodge.
Many prominent citizens of Singapore like Admiral Keppel, W.H. Read, Sir Charles Warren, W.J. Napier, Sir Neil Malcom, Charles Buckley and Colonel Samuel Dunlop were freemasons and they live on through street names in our city. One of the early masters of our Lodge was B.C.J. Buckeridge, the fire chief in Singapore for many years before WW2 ( and Registrar of Vehicles later). Many admirable men of varied backgrounds and nationalities and who contributed to Singapore society have subsequently sat in the esteemed Worshipful Master’s chair of Sir Stamford Raffles Lodge and other lodges.
Perhaps the most famous freemason to have resided in this island was Sir Stamford Raffles, the founder of Singapore and after whom our Lodge is proudly named. He was initiated in Java in 1812 and became a Master Mason in 1813 which is unusually fast. The Lodge coat of arms is based on the Raffles family crest.
Today the brethren of Sir Stamford Raffles Lodge toast the founder during the dinner held after the monthly meeting with the cry “Bingley!”, one of Raffles given names.
In 2019, the Lodge will be celebrating the 200th anniversary of the foundation of Singapore by this famous mason.